Bookshelf with words Hello, 2020! on top

Hello, 2020!

If you’ve stuck around my blog before you will know I’m no stranger to a self-appointed break. Last year was definitely a long, silent one on Hot Pepper Latte when I found myself well and truly burnt out. It was not just my blog that was silent but I pulled back on all my other channels as well. 

I started this blog to keep track of all the wonderful books I read but I wanted to experiment with new creative outlets, and the truth is, I’ve been slowing down in writing book reviews because I just couldn’t shake the question: who cares? There are a lot of really fantastic book bloggers out there. Every day you can find endless reviews and tastefully crafted instagram shots of beautiful, bountiful books. I needed to re-evaluate where my blog fit in. What am I bringing to the conversation? What makes Hot Pepper Latte different?

Truthfully, I fell into a hole of imposter syndrome for a good long while. I had to do some soul searching about what this blog is and isn’t and, most importantly, what I am and am not willing to sacrifice for creativity. You might call it my year to Eat, Pray, Love (or maybe more like My Year of Rest and Relaxation depending on where you’re standing) and because of it you can come to expect me to be doing more of the following this year:

Writing less reviews but make them more honest

The constant effervescent internet has changed yet again. ‘Nobody has time for long-form’ some may say, but truthfully, if you want a 100-word review of any book in the world you can read them on Goodreads. You really don’t need to come here. However, if you want to know what I truly, really think (perhaps with some artfully staged photos of books?), I’m going to tell you in all of its complexity and not sweat the word count. I’m also sticking to my first love: Canlit. Expect to see books that you won’t always see in the Indigo store window.

Interviewing more women about the books in their lives

Lattes with Ladies is a project that is near and dear to my heart, which is why I’m ecstatic to bring it back. The fact still remains: when you picture what “women’s books” are (or ostensibly “chick lit”), it’s usually some sort of pulpy paperback with a pink and yellow bikini on the cover that has been dropped in the bath. But the average Canadian reader (whether borrowing or buying books in almost any genre, including e-books) typically identifies as female. Even if the market is shrinking, book publishing is a $1.1 billion industry. That’s why I’ll be resuming conversations with ladies about the books that changed their life, the books that keep them awake reading at night, and the books that they just can’t seem to shake.

Talking to you about books! 

Blogs have a solid rep for being a monologue but I want this to be a conversation! Some of you have been reaching out to me already. Tell me what you think of these books. Tell me what you think I should read next. Tell me if you really just want to know what coffee shop that one photo was taken in. I want to collaborate more and use Hot Pepper Latte as a chance to share my love of reading with you. Get in touch with me on my Instagram or Goodreads if you have ideas or just want to chat. 

In the meantime, I can’t wait to share all of the exciting new stories I have with all of you. Until next time, happy reading!



