Tag: Canada

  • Lattes with Ladies: Alex Dunn!

    Lattes with Ladies: Alex Dunn!

    This week we feature the lovely Alex Dunn! A true entrepreneur, after finding there were few Canadian subscription boxes for book lovers like her Alex set out to create her own. Novel Editions launched in November 2016 and it is already become one of my favourite sources for the best new fiction. Alex opens up…

  • Uncovering the mystery of The Monkey’s Paw

    Uncovering the mystery of The Monkey’s Paw

      I set out on a Sunday when the TTC closed the Bloor line (of course) to visit The Monkey’s Paw at its new west-end location. Infamous for being a shop of curios and The Biblio-Mat machine,which spits out odd and old books for just a toonie, I’ve always been curious about it! Like a…